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Royal Standard Calathea

Royal standard calathea

Royal standard calathea

Care: Keep soil slightly moist but not saturated. Calatheas are not drought-tolerant, so try not to let it dry out completely between waterings. Fertilize about once a month during growing season (spring and summer). Keep away from drafty, cool areas.

Why are Calatheas so hard to take care of?

Calatheas are known for being fussy plants. Like many indoor plants, they're native to very moist and tropical locations that are a world away from most of our home environments. Your Calathea may experience leaf drop, browning or other growing pains- especially as it becomes accustomed to a new home.

Where should Calathea be placed in the house?

Calatheas are used to growing in shady tropical, humid climates, which makes them perfect for low-light spots in your home. Keep them positioned away from direct sunlight or very hot, dry air. Too much light will damage their leaves, but too little will limit growth.

How do I take care of my Calathea?

Calatheas need specific care in order to thrive. They need a consistently warm spot and bright but indirect light – keep them out of direct sunshine. Keep the soil moist from spring to autumn, and provide some humidity by misting the leaves daily or standing on a tray of moist pebbles.

Should I mist Calathea leaves?

While some might appreciate being misted, take care not to mist them directly on the top of the leaves (or have moisture fall into the tightly raveled straws the new leaves make). Spray from the bottom up, and higher overall humidity is preferred over misting.

Should I mist my Calathea daily?

Just don't overdo misting your calathea's leaves otherwise you can encourage fungal diseases, especially if your air circulation is poor. What is this? One great way to achieve high humidity for your Calatheas and other plants is to simply get a humidifier.

Do Calatheas need deep pots?

A container that's 8 to 10 inches across and deep should work well for a calathea plant. Make sure it has ample drainage holes. In addition, unglazed clay can be a good material to allow excess soil moisture to evaporate through its walls if you have a tendency to overwater.

How many times a week should I water my Calathea?

Water. Calatheas enjoy weekly waterings, allowing the top 2' of soil to dry out partially. In winter, we recommend watering less frequently to prevent overwatering and root rot. This plant is not very drought tolerant, and extended periods of dryness will cause leaf edges to brown.

Why do Calathea leaves standing at night?

As such, during the day, the plant leaves will lower or spread out to absorb moisture or catch rain. At night, this adapted behavior helps the plant retain water by folding leaves inwards— that way any water droplets can be stored as they trickle down to the plant instead of evaporating.

Do you water Calathea from top or bottom?


  • Fill the plant tray with water.
  • Make sure the soil is in contact with the water on the tray.
  • Wait for about 10 minutes.
  • Feel the soil to see if it absorbed enough water —> if the soil is moist throughout, remove any excess water from the tray.
  • If it's still dry —> add more water to the tray.

Do calatheas like being in the bathroom?

High Humidity, Low Light Ferns and calatheas will find your bathroom exquisitely comfy and will boast healthy, full foliage. Other humidity lovers like air plants (Tillandsia) and Orchids will absolutely thrive in a bathroom.

Do calatheas like to be wet or dry?

Calathea prefer soil that is consistently evenly moist at all times but not soggy. If the top 2” of the soil become dry then your plant is ready to be watered.

Can I water my Calathea with tap water?

The best water to use is distilled water, but filtered or rainwater will work as well. Tap water can contain minerals and cleaning chemicals used by water treatment facilities that can harm houseplants, especially Calathea.

Can I wipe my Calathea leaves?

Wipe those leaves! This can prevent photosynthesis, attract pests, and dampens the beauty of your Calathea. We suggest using a dry cloth to buff and bring out your plant's vibrant colours and natural shine.

What does an overwatered Calathea look like?

Limp or Rotting Stems or Drooping Leaves could be caused by overwatering, although more likely by cold temperatures or exposure to drafts. If the plant remains in these conditions the damage will not be reversible, so make sure to move the plant to a warmer spot or away from the cold draft immediately.

What pots are best for Calathea?

Calatheas are very happy in ceramic pots, plastic (or nursery) pots and even self-watering pots. You want to avoid porous potting materials like terracotta. At a minimum, the pot you choose for your Calathea must have good drainage and be the proper size if you want your Calathea to thrive.

How long should you bottom water a Calathea for?

Bottoms Up! Then, place your Calathea in a bowl or sink filled with three to four inches of lukewarm water. Let the Calathea soak for about 45 minutes before testing its soil by touch. (By now, you know exactly what to look for!) If the soil feels moist, your plant is good to go!

When should I repot my Calathea?

It is a good idea to repot your calathea once every year or every other year to give it fresh soil and nutrients. ... How to repot the Calathea

  1. When to repot - Once a year or every other year.
  2. Pot sizing - if you want your plant to grow wider, find a nursery pot that's 2” in diameter larger than the current pot.

Is bottled water OK for Calathea?

Water your calathea with bottled water if your tap water is hard with minerals; that prevents leaf spots. If you have soft water, let it sit overnight in the watering can before you use it to water the plant. If you have a fish tank at home, use the water you pour out when you clean your tank to water your calathea.

Does Calathea droop at night?

This is completely normal since the leaves fold up during the night, then let loose during the day! That's why they're also referred to as prayer plants (read more).

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